Sail Canada Basic Cruising Course


This 5 day course leads to full Sail Canada Basic Certification. Even if you have never been on a boat before we will teach you how to handle a cruising boat safely under power and sail in moderate conditions. We teach this course primarily on owner's boats or charter boats through Canadian Yacht Charters.  We may be able to make special arrangements to teach on our school boat but availability is limited.

To be able to cruise safely in familiar waters as both skipper and crew of a sloop-rigged keelboat of 6 to 10 meters with an outboard or inboard motor in moderate wind and sea conditions by day. The focus of this standard is on the development of basic sailing and seamanship skills as well as the knowledge needed to make the decisions expected of a skipper.


Basic Cruise March 31 2017 Effective Pdf
PDF – 251.6 KB 131 downloads


CYC charter boat or your own boat. $795/pp (minimum 2 people) *
Fees include Sail Canada registration, examination fees and textbook.
Note: If this course is conducted as a one week live-aboard course through CYC then all meals and refreshments are provided by the charterer/student. There will also be an additional $600 total fee for 2 extra days as Skipper.


Sailing school vessel - 38 foot Catalina $1295/pp  on (minimum 2 people, 4 persons maximum)
Fees include Sail Canada registration, examination fees and textbook.

Students are responsible to bring their own lunches and refreshments each day. No alcohol or smoking is permitted.